Everyone deserves to Thrive!

Mind, Body, Spirit

Nutrition Plus

Like a wave rippling from shore to shore, small changes can have a large impact on wellness.

Your individual needs are not defined by a diagnosis or a single factor. Instead, we look at the overall picture to see what small changes in diet and lifestyle can have the biggest impact on your journey toward optimal health.


Looking at symptoms and manifestations on the outside is a good start, but peeking inside is vital - that’s why we begin with lab testing.

Many symptoms can be caused by high or low levels of nutrients and body function. We use Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis (FBCA) to create a personalized lifestyle and nutritional plan to support your body as it moves toward optimal health!

Meet Jean Hilton:

Thrive Alive founder and functional nutritional consultant. Jean’s passion for learning and supporting health has driven her to explore many ‘angles’ from which to view one’s wellness journey. She worked for five years with Universal Wellness Associates in Fair Oaks California under the mentorship and in partnership with Linda Clark, author of “Detox 360”. She constantly participates in continuing education to stay current on research and to explore new and innovative approaches to wellness. She loves to walk beside those that are finding their way out of chronic illness and pain syndromes. She is focused on care for autoimmune stress.

Jean believes that simple dietary and lifestyle upgrades are the most effective method to begin to heal.

Finding those simple changes that are best for you is her passion.


This nutritional analysis focuses, not on a diagnosis, but on the underlying “Why” of YOUR unique situation.

This points to priority changes for your individual needs. We use many tools to help you find your best health through:

  • Dietary priorities and targeted lifestyle support

  • High-dose immune therapy for chronic concerns

  • Specific digestion and absorption care

  • Whole-self treatments with Qigong and Acupuncture options

Why Whole-Self Care?

Sometimes the energy of the body - the “Qi” in Chinese medicine - is out of balance. This can result from trauma, illness, nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins or more.

The combination of nutritional care and the nourishing power of Medical Qigong and Acupuncture, can help the body shift underlying blockages or deficiencies.

We are pleased to provide these services on-site to assist in your wellness journey.

Meet our team:

Larry Hilton, Master of Medical Qigong and

Dr. Zen Hwang, Licensed Acupuncturist and Doctor of Oriental Medicine.

Lawrence D. Hilton, JD/MBA, MMQ

From business man to Medical Qigong Master in a single bound!

Larry’s passion for helping others took a turn for the energetic when he felt and understood Qi energy for the first time.

His professional and personal journeys hinge around his love of upgrading what is to improve what will become.

He has developed the My Inner Peace Protocol to assist others in their personal, spiritual and energetic upgrades.

Larry began to experience for himself the healing power of Medical Qigong. He seeks to help others optimize their joy in life and in health.

Just as he is passionate about providing options to upgrade, enhance and restore sound money in our society, he strives to support the enhancement and restoration of whole-soul well-being.

Dr. Zen Hwang

We are pleased to have Dr. Zen Hwang visit our site monthly to provide high quality Acupuncture and Medical Qigong.

Zenovia Hwang, LAc, EAMP, DMQ, DTCM (China), CHt, has a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a specialization in Medical Qigong for Oncology. She specializes in clinical protocols for cancer, chronic diseases, and spiritual/emotional imbalances. She manages health conditions such as chronic pain, tumors, emotional imbalances, infertility, chronic fatigue, autism, and a variety of idiopathic illnesses.

She received her Doctor of Medical Qigong & TCM (+2000hrs) from IIMQ, a branch of Henan University of TCM in China. She received her Master’s in Traditional Chinese Medicine (+2500hrs) from Five Branches University in San Jose, and Bachelor’s in Chemistry from University of Washington in Seattle.

Read more about her here.

We use this information to create

dietary plans, lifestyle care and supplemental recommendations

that are uniquely suited to you!

On-Site We Also Provide:

Oligoscan Intra-cellular mineral/heavy metal testing

Medical Qigong Treatments and Training

Bio-resonance Screening

MoCA Cognitive Screening

Red Light Therapy

HeartMath BioFeedback and Training

Coming soon: EWOT - Exercise with Oxygen Therapy as recommended by the ReCODE Cognitive Program by Dr. Dale Bredesen.

We want to support you in the ways that are appropriate for your unique needs.

“Jean is a gifted teacher and healer!  I leave her office with increased energy, optimism, and a greater sense of well-being.  This carries over into my life.  For example, while in a doctor’s office recently, my oxygen saturation level rose by three points within seconds of beginning a HeartMath breathing technique.  I find that being in Jean’s presence is, in itself, healing.”

— Mary, Coaching Client

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